Sep 2, 2013

~about a lolita dream coming true~

I think it's kind of every lolita's dream to get into the Gothic Lolita Bible once and for me this dream came true at the current issue (49)!

Yesterday, when I got home from a Steampunk meet-up, the new issue had arrived (thanks to the awesome service of me-shop!)
So I skimed trough the pages, searching the Wave Gotik Treffen Snaps, and there it was:

My Steampunk Lolita Outfit! Yay!
You can't image how happy I was, I really felt like dancing trough the flat ^_^

Okay, the "Bratwurst" sign in the background is kind of misplaced, but hey you can't everything^^
(It's kind of ironic that this outfit got rejected at the German Comm but ended up at the bible...)

If you are curious: this is my outfit round-down:

shoes: an tai na
tights: C&A
underskirt: Bodyline
dress: Orsay, tea-dyed by me
fur: vintage
shirt: Karstadt
glasses: vintage
pith helmet: ebay
goggles: painted by a friend, customized by me
clock bag:

Some friends of me got into the Snap, too but I'm not sure, if I'm allowed to post their pictures here.
There are really awesome outfits in the snap so I'm more then happy mine got there, too side by side with those grandiose creations! Chapeau to everybody!